「いい日旅立ち」a good day to set out 1978
歌:山口百恵 作詞・作曲:谷村新司
雪解け 間近の 北の空に向い
Facing the northern sky where the thaw is setting in,
過ぎ去りし日々の夢を 叫ぶとき
I cry out the dreams of my bygone days,
帰らぬ人たち 熱い胸を よぎる
when the people who will never return flit through my warm heart.
せめて 今日から 一人きり 旅に出る
The least I can do is go all alone on a trip today
Ah, somewhere in Japan,
there is someone waiting for me.
いい日 旅立ち 夕焼を探しに
This is a good day to star off to look for an evening grow
母の背中で聞いた 歌を 道連れに
accompanied by songs I heard on my mother’s back.
岬のはずれに 少年は 魚釣り
At a far end of the cape, there’s a boy fishing
青いススキの小道を 帰えるのか
Will he go back along the path of Japanese pampas grass?
私は 今から 思い出を 作るため
I’m now, in order to make a memory,
砂に枯木で書くつもり さよならと
going to write on the sand with a dead twig,‘sayonara’
Ah, somewhere in Japan,
there is someone waiting for me
This is a good day to start off to look for cottony clouds
父が教えてくれた 歌を道連れに
accompanied by songs my father taught me.
Ah, somewhere in Japan,
there is someone waiting for me
いい日旅立ち 幸せを探しに
This is a good day to start off to look for happiness
子供の頃に歌った 歌を道連れに
accompanied by songs I sang when a child.