「いい()旅立(たびだ)ち」a good day to set out  1978

(うた)山口百(やまぐちもも)()  作詞(さくし)作曲(さっきょく)谷村(たにむら)新司(しんじ)


雪解(ゆきど)け 間近(まぢか)の (きた)(そら)(むか)い  

Facing the northern sky where the thaw is setting in,

()()りし日々(ひび)(ゆめ)を (さけ)ぶとき

I cry out the dreams of my bygone days, 

(かえ)らぬ(ひと)たち (あつ)(むね)を よぎる

when the people who will never return flit through my warm heart.

せめて 今日(きょう)から 一人(ひとり)きり (たび)()

The least I can do is go all alone on a trip today



Ah, somewhere in Japan,


there is someone waiting for me.

いい() 旅立(たびだ)ち 夕焼(ゆうやけ)(さが)しに   

 This is a good day to star off to look for an evening grow

 (はは)背中(せなか)()いた (うた)を 道連(みちづ)れに

accompanied by songs I heard on my mother’s back.


(みさき)のはずれに 少年(しょうねん)は 魚釣(さかなつ)    

At a far end of the cape, there’s a boy fishing

 (あお)いススキの小道(こみち)を (かえ)えるのか 

Will he go back along the path of Japanese pampas grass?

(わたし)(いま)から (おも)()を (つく)るため 

I’m now, in order to make a memory,

(すな)枯木(かれき)()くつもり さよならと

going to write on the sand with a dead twig,‘sayonara’



Ah, somewhere in Japan,


there is someone waiting for me


This is a good day to start off to look for cottony clouds

(ちち)(おし)えてくれた (うた)道連(みちづ)れに

accompanied by songs my father taught me.



Ah, somewhere in Japan,


there is someone waiting for me

いい()旅立(たびだ)ち (しあわ)せを(さが)しに  

This is a good day to start off to look for happiness

子供(こども)(ころ)(うた)った (うた)道連(みちづ)れに

 accompanied by songs I sang when a child.