(あい)()つ」Love wins 1990年 (うた)作詞(さくし)作曲(さっきょく)KAN



(‛Cause)There is nothing to worry about.
(おも)いが (だれ)かにとどく 明日(あした)がきっとある
 Tomorrow will surely come when your love will reach someone

どんなに困難(こんなん)で くじけそうでも

No matter how difficult and daunting it may be
じることを (けっ)してやめないで

Never stop believing


Carry on, carry out
(きず)つけ(きず)ついて  (あい)する(せつ)なさに すこしつかれても

Though you’re bit tired from the sadness that we must love

while hurting someone and being hurt by someone,
もう一度(いちど) 夢見(ゆめみ)よう

let’s have a dream again,
されるよろこびを ()っているのなら

if you know the happiness of being loved.


Oh, 夜空よぞら流星りゅうせいをみつけるたびに

 Every time we find a shooting star in the night sky,
いをたくし  ぼくらはやってきた

we trusted our wish to it and so we’ve been getting on.

どんなに困難(こんなん)で  くじけそうでも

No matter how difficult and daunting,
じることさ (かなら)最後(さいご)(あい)()

you must believe. Love will surely win in the end.


Carry on, carry out
(もと)めてうばわれて (あた)えてうらぎられ 

We seek only to be deprived. We give only to be betrayed.

Love grows that way.

Oh, (とお)ければ(とお)いほど

The farther away it is,
ちとるよろこびは  きっと(おお)きいだろう

certainly the greater will be the joy of gaining it


Don’t worry.


There will surely be tomorrow when your courage will reach someone.

どんなに困難(こんなん)で  くじけそうでも

No matter how hard and daunting
じることさ、 (かなら)最後(さいご)(あい)()

 You must believe. Love will surely win in the end
じることさ、 (かなら)最後(さいご)(あい)()