
1972 ちあきなおみ 作詞(さくし):吉田旺(よしだおう)作曲(さっきょく):中村(なかむら)泰士(やすし)


いつものように (まく)があき   

As usual, the curtain opened.


I was singing a love song,


when I received a notice

(くろ)いふちどりが ありました   

with a black border.

あれは 三年前(さんねんまえ)

That was three years ago

()める あなた (えき)(のこ)

You stopped me, but I left you at the station. 

(うご)きはじめた汽車(きしゃ)に ひとり (とび)()った.

 I jumped alone in the train beginning to move.



In the afternoon of a rustic town,

教会(きょうかい)(まえ)に  たたずみ

I stood in front of a church,

喪服(もふく)の わたしは

dressed in black,

(いの)言葉(ことば)さえ なくしてた

without even the words of prayer.


つたが からまる (しろ)(かべ)   

An ivy-covered white wall.

  (ほそ)いかげ (なが)()として

Casting a thin long shadow on it,


I was alone,

こぼす(なみだ)さえ (わす)れてた

forgetting even the tears to shed.



In a dark waiting room,


I have nobody to talk to, while,

(みみ)に (わたし)(うた)が (とお)りすぎてゆく

through my ears, my song passes by.


いつものように (まく)があく

 As usual, the curtain opens.

()りそそぐライトの その(なか)  

Amid the pouring light,

それでも わたしは          

all the same, I’m,

今日(きょう)も (こい)(うた) (うた)ってる     

also today, singing a love song.