(あき)(ざくら)cosmos 1977 山口百(やまぐちもも)()  作詞(さくし)作曲(さっきょく):さだまさし


うす(べに)(コス)(モス)が (あき)()何気(なにげ)ない日溜(ひだま)りに()れている

Pink cosmoses are swaying in an ordinary autumn sunshine.

(この)(ごろ)  (なみだ)もろくなった(はは)
My mother, who has become tearful these days,
で ひとつ(せき)をする

gives a cough in the garden.

縁側(えんがわ)で アルバムを(ひら)いては

She opens an album in a porch 


何度(なんど)も (おな)(はなし)くりかえす 

and repeats the same story

of her memories of my young days,

ひとり(ごと)みたいに (ちい)さな(こえ)      
as if talking to herself, in a low voice

こんな 小春日和(こはるびより)の (おだ)やかな()は  

On such a sunny and calm day

あなたの(やさ)しさが しみてくる

your tenderness sinks to my heart.


She said to me who would get married the next day,


“You may have trouble,  

(わら)(ばなし)に (とき)()えるよ  

but time will change it into a funny story.

心配(しんぱい)いらないと (わら)った
So you don’t have to worry,”and she smiled.

あれこれと (おも)()をたどったら 

I searched this memory after that
いつの()も ひとりではなかったと

and I found I was not alone any day


Though it’s too late,


knowing how selfish I have been,


I’m biting my lips.

明日(あした)への荷造(にづく)りに ()()りて

Lending me a hand with my packing for tomorrow,
しばらくは (たの)()に いたけれど

she looked happy for a while,

突然(とつぜん)   (なみだ)こぼし、

when suddenly she shed tears
元気(げんき)で」と、何度(なんど)何度(なんど)も くりかえす(はは)             

and said,“take care,”again and again, repeatedly.

ありがとうの言葉(ことば)を かみしめながら

Chewing the word‘thank you’ 


I said in my mind, “I will try to live in my own way.”
こんな 小春日和(こはるびより)の (おだ)かな()

On such a sunny and calm day
もう すこし あなたの子供(こども)で いさせてください            

let me be your child a little longer.

小春日和(こはるびより):a spring-like weather in midwinter : Indian summer