「やさしくなりたい」I want to be gentle 

2011 (うた)作詞(さくし)作曲(さっきょく)斉藤(さいとう)和義(かずよし)


地球儀(ちきゅうぎ)(まわ)して 世界(せかい)100(ひゃく)(しゅう)旅行(りょこう)  

Let’s turn a globe and trip around the world 100 times

キミがはしゃいでいる まぶしい(ひとみ)で  

You are making merry with shining eyes

(ひかり)のうしろ(がわ) (しの)()影法師(かげぼうし)    

Behind the light, a shadow is creeping up

なつかしの昨日(きのう)は いま(あめ)(なか)  

Good old yesterday is now in the rain 

やさしくなりたい やさしくなりたい  

I want to be gentle     I want to be gentle

自分(じぶん)ばかりじゃ (むな)しさばかりじゃ  

I hate being always by myself, feeling always empty.

(あい)なき時代(じだい)に ()まれたわけじゃない   

It isn't that I was born in an age without love.

キミといきたい キミを(わら)わせたい  

I want to live with you. I want to make you smile.

(あい)なき時代(じだい)に ()まれたわけじゃない  

I wasn’t born in an age without love.

(つよ)くなりたい やさしくなりたい  

I want to be strong. I want to be kind.


サイコロ(ころ)がして 1(いち)()()たけれど  

I rolled a dice and the cast was no.1,


 but the backgammon says,“Go back to the starting point.”


I’m sure you would say,


“It’s quite like you.”

1(ひと)(すす)めたのなら よかったじゃないの!」  

“If you could make one move, wasn’t it good enough?”

(つよ)くなりたい (つよ)くなりたい 

I want to be strong.  I want to be strong.

我慢(がまん)ばかりじゃ 誤魔化(ごまか)しばかりじゃ

I hate always being patient, always disguising myself            

(あい)なき時代(じだい)に ()まれたわけじゃない     

I wasn’t born in an age without love.

キミに()いたい キミに()いたい

I want to see you. I want to see you.

(あい)なき時代(じだい)に ()まれたわけじゃない   

I wasn’t born in an age without love.

(つよ)くなりたい やさしくなりたい  

I want to be strong. I want to be kind.


地球儀(ちきゅうぎ)(まわ)して 世界(せかい) 100(ひゃく)(しゅう)

 Let’s turn a globe and trip around the world 100 times

ボクらで(まわ)そう ()ってておくれ  

 Let’s turn it, you and me.  Please keep waiting for me.


(あい)なき時代(じだい)に ()まれたわけじゃない  

I was not born in an age without love.

キミに()いたい キミを(わら)わせたい  

I want to see you.  I want to make you smile.


(あい)なき時代(じだい)に ()まれたわけじゃない   

I wasn’t born in an age without love.

(つよ)くなりたい やさしくなりたい

I want to be strong. I want to be kind.


We are not living in an age without love.

 ()(つな)ぎたい やさしくなりたい

  I want to join hands. I want to be kind.