another singer's version

Tsunami2000年 サザンオールスターズ 作詞(さくし)作曲(さっきょく)桑田(くわた)(けい)(すけ)


(かぜ)戸惑(とまど)う 弱気(よわき)(ぼく)   

It’s weak-kneed of me, bewildered by the wind.

(とお)りすがる あの()幻影(かげ)

An illusion of that day clinging to me.

本当(ほんとう)は ()()以上(いじょう)  (なみだ)もろい過去(かこ)がある  

Actually I used to be more maudlin than I look

()めど (なが)る (さや)(みず)よ  

The clear water flowing ceaselessly

  ()めど=止めても even you stop it


()せど ()ゆる 魔性(ましょう)()よ 消せど=消しても

The devilish fire burning even if it is extinguished

あんなに ()きな女性ひと  なつ二度にどとない

I’ll never have another summer when I can meet a girl I love so much

(ひと)は (だれ)も (あい)(もと)めて (やみ)彷徨(さまよ)運命(さだめ)

We all are destined to wander in darkness in search of love

そして (かぜ)まかせ Oh, My destiny 

leaving everything to the wind, Oh, my destiny, 

(なみだ) 枯()れるまで

till my tears dry up


()つめ()うと 素直(すなお)に お(しゃべ)出来(でき)ない  

When we look each other in the eye, we can’t talk frankly

津波(つなみ)のような(わび)しさに I know (おび)えてる Hoo

I’m terrified, I know, by a loneliness like a tsunami  

めぐり()えた瞬間(とき)から  魔法(まほう)()けない

From the moment I came across you, I can’t get out of the enchantment

(かがみ)のような(ゆめ)(なか)で  (おも)()は いつの()も (あめ)

In a mirror-like dream, I always remember a rainy day


(ゆめ)()わり ()()(とき)  (ふか)(やみ)に 夜明(よあ)けが()

When the dream ends and I wake up, a dawn comes to the deep darkness

本当(ほんとう)()()以上(いじょう)  ()たれ(つよ)(ぼく)がいる

There I am, actually more tough than I look


I looked at the sky which looks ready to bring rains.


Seagulls floating among the waves

きっと ()(なさ)Oh, Sweet memory 

I’m sure the world is compassionate. Oh, sweet memory,


I’m determined to start off.

(ひと)(なみだ)()せずに 大人(おとな)になれない  

We can’t grow up without showing tears

ガラスのような(こい)だとは I know 気付(きづ)いてる 

I know it is a glass-like love

()(こころ)も (いと)しい女性(ひと)しか ()えない 

I can see only a woman who is lovely body and soul.


Deep in my almost breaking heart,

(かな)しみに()えるのは 何故(なぜ)

why should I put up with sadness?

(間奏(かんそう) interlude)

()つめ()うと 素直(すなお)に お(しゃべ)出来(でき)ない  

When we look each other in the eye, we can’t talk frankly

津波(つなみ)のような(わび)しさに I know (おび)えてる Hoo

I’m terrified, I know, by a loneliness like a tsunami 

めぐり()えた瞬間(とき)から ()ぬまで ()きと()って

Please say, ‟I love you” from the moment we met till we die.

 (かがみ)のような(ゆめ)(なか)で  微笑(ほほえみ)をくれたのは(だれ)

Who was it that gave me a smile in a mirror-like dream?

()きなのに ()いたのは 何故(なぜ)  

Why was it that I cried when I loved you?

(おも)()は いつの()も (あめ)

 I always remember a rainy day.