(ゆき)(はな)」'snow flowers' snowflakes 2003(ねん) (うた):中島(なかじま)()() 

作詞(さくし)Satomi   作曲(さっきょく)松本良喜(まつもとりょうき)


のびた人影(ひとかげ)を 舗道(ほどう)(なら)べ    

Casting our prolonged shadows side by side on the pavement

夕闇(ゆうやみ)のなかを キミと(ある)いてる  

I’m walking with you in the dusk.

()(つな)いで いつまでもずっと そばにいれたなら  

If I could always stay beside you hand in hand


I would be so happy that I could cry.


(かぜ)(つめ)たくなって (ふゆ)(にお)いがした  

The wind grew cold and smelt of winter.

そろそろ この(まち)に キミと近付(ちかづ)ける季節(きせつ)がくる    

Soon the season will come to this town

   when I can get closer to you

今年(ことし)最初(さいしょ)(ゆき)(はな)を 二人(ふたり)()()って(なが)めているこの時間(じかん)に     

At this moment when we are looking at the first

snowflakes of this year, sticking close to each other,


happiness begins to overflow



It’s not dependency nor weakness.


I just love you.


I really thought so.



If you are with you, 

どんなことでも ()りきれるような 気持(きも)ちになってる  

I feel like I can get over anything

こんな日々(ひび)が いつまでもずっと (つづ)いてくことを (いの)っているよ

I wish days like this will go on forever


At a night, when the wind beats the window, I’ll shake you awake  

どんな(かな)しいことも ボクが笑顔(えがお)へと()えてあげる

and turn any sadness into a smiling face

()()ちてきた(ゆき)(はな)が (まど)(そと)ずっと ()りやむことを()らずに

 The snowflakes fluttering down never cease to fall outside the window


and tinge our town white all the time

(だれ)かのために(なに)かをしたいと(おも)えるのが (あい)ということを()った

I knew love is wanting to do something for someone


If I lose you,


 I’ll become a star to light you up


At nights when you’re smiling or wet with tears


I’ll always anytime be with you

今年(ことし)最初(さいしょ)(ゆき)(はな)を 二人(ふたり)()()って


At this moment when we are looking at the first

snowflakes of this year sticking close to each other,


happiness begins to overflow


It’s not dependency nor weakness.

ただ、キミとずっと このまま一緒(いっしょ)にいたい    

I just want to be with you forever like this.


I honestly think so

この(まち)()()もってく ()(しろ)(ゆき)(はな)  

Pure white snowflakes piling thick in this town.

二人(ふたり)(むね)にそっと (おも)()(えが)くよ  

We’ll secretly picture our memories in our hearts,


from now on, together with you, all the time.