(ひとみ)をとじて」with my eyes closed 2004  平井(ひらい)(けん)


(あさ) 目覚(めざ)める(たび)に  

Every time I wake up in the morning

(きみ)()(がら)が  (よこ)にいる 

I saw beside me an afterimage of you

ぬくもりを(かん)じた  いつもの背中(せなか)(つめ)たい 

 My back which always felt warmth now remains cold

 苦笑(にがわら)いを やめて 

I’ll stop my wry smile


and open a heavy curtain


The morning sun is too bright


 I’m playing tag with every day


あの() ()せた()(がお)

  Your tearful face you showed me that day


The setting sun lighting up your tears


The warmth on my shoulders


Every time I want to erase them,


 my mind and my body remember you.


Your love forever

(ひとみ)()じて (きみ)(えが)くよ

I close my eyes and picture you 

それだけで いい

That is enough,

たとえ 季節(きせつ)が (ぼく)(こころ)()()りにしても

even if the season leaves my heart behind


いつかは (きみ)のこと なにも (かん)じなくなるのかな

Some day will I feel nothing about you?

(いま)(いた)()いて (ねむ)(ほう)が まだいいかな

Is it still better to sleep holding the present pain?   

あの() ()てた星空(ほしぞら)  

The starry sky we were looking at that day

(ねが)いかけて 二人(ふたり) (さが)した(ひかり)

The light we two looked for, making a wish.


They are vanishing in an instant,

(こころ)は (からだ)は (きみ)(かがや)いている

  but my heart and body are shining with you


I wish forever

(ひとみ)をとじて (きみ)(えが)くよ 

I close my eyes and picture you.

それしか 出来(でき)ない  

  That’s all I can do,

たとえ 世界(せかい)(ぼく)(のこ)して ()()ろうとしても
even if the world, leaving me behind, would pass away

Your love forever
をとじて (きみ)(えが)くよ 

I close my eyes and picture you.

それだけで いい

That’s enough,

たとえ 季節(きせつ)(ぼく)(のこ)して 

even if the season, leaving me behind,

would change its color.


I’ll look for you in my memory

それだけで いい

That’s enough
なくしたものを ()える(つよ)さを (きみ)がくれたから

cause you gave me the strength to overcome what I’ve lost.

You gave it to me.