「負けないで」 Don’t give up. 1993年 歌:ZARD
作詞:坂井泉水 作曲:織田哲郎
ふとした瞬間に 視線がぶつかる
At an unexpected moment our gazes met
幸福のときめき 覚えているでしょ
You remember the happy excitement, don’t you?
あの日のように 輝いてる あなたでいてね
Please stay as shining as you were on that day
when we fell in love with a pastel-colored season.
Don’t give up. You’re almost there.
最後まで 走り抜けて
Run through to the end.
どんなに 離れてても
No matter how far apart we are,
心は そばにいるわ
my heart is just beside you
追いかけて、 遥かな夢を
Run after your distant dream.
No matter what happens, with a nonchalant face,
どうにかなるサと おどけてみせるの
saying,‟ We can work it out,” you’ll just play the clown.
今宵は 私と一緒に 踊りましょ
Won’t you dance with me tonight?
そんなあなたが 好きよ
I still love you like that.
Don’t give up. You see, there,
ゴールは 近づいてる
the goal is approaching.
どんなに 離れてても
No matter how far apart we are
心は そばにいるわ
my heart is just beside you.
感じてね、 見つめる瞳
Please feel my eyes watching you.
Don’t give up. You’re almost there.
最後まで 走り抜けて
Run through to the end.
どんなに 離れてても
No matter how far apart we are,
心は そばにいるわ
my heart is just beside you
追いかけて、 遥かな夢を
Run after your distant dream.
Don’t give up. You see, there,
ゴールは 近づいてる
the goal is approaching.
どんなに 離れてても
No matter how far apart we are
心は そばにいるわ
my heart is just beside you.
feel my eyes watching you.