「Lemon」(レモン) 2018年 歌/作詞/作曲 米津玄師
夢ならば どれほどよかったでしょう
How I wish it would have been a dream !
未だに あなたのことを夢にみる
I still dream of you
Just like returning to take what I have left behind
I brush off the dust of my old memories
There is a happiness which never returns.
最後に あなたが教えてくれた
You taught it to me in the
My dusky hidden past that I couldn’t tell anyone
あなたがいなきゃ 永遠に昏いまま
will be forever dark without you
きっと もう これ以上 傷つくことなど
I know I surely won’t be hurt any more
あの日の悲しみさえ あの日の苦しみさえ
Even the sadness, even the pain of that day,
そのすべてを愛してた あなたとともに
I loved them all, together with you.
A bitter smell of a lemon lingers in my heart.
雨が降り止むまでは 帰れない
I can’t go home till the rain stops falling.
今でも あなたは
You are still my light.
暗闇で あなたの背をなぞった
I traced on your back in the darkness.
I remember its outline vividly.
Every time I come across something unacceptable,
my tears just overflows ceaselessly.
何をしていたの 何を見ていたの
What were you doing? What were you looking at,
with your profile unknown to me?
どこかで あなたが今 わたしと同じ様な涙にくれ
If you are, just like me, in tears and in loneliness somewhere,
わたしのことなど どうか 忘れてください
please forget the likes of me
そんなことを 心から 願うほどに
I hope so from my heart, all the more
今でも あなたは
because you are still my light.
自分が思うより 恋をしていたあなたに
I loved you more than I thought I did
あれから 思うように 息ができない
Since then I can’t breathe the way I want to.
あんなに側にいたのに まるで嘘みたい
You were so close to me. It was too good to be true.
とても忘れられない それだけが確か
I can’t possibly forget it. That is for certain.
あの日の悲しみさえ あの日の苦しみさえ
Even the sadness, even the pain of that day,
そのすべてを愛してた あなたとともに
I loved them all, together with you.
胸に残り離れない 苦いレモンの匂い
A bitter smell of a lemon lingers in my heart.
I can’t go home
till the rain stops.
Just like the other half of a fruit cut apart
You’re still my light