映画 American Grafitti

 At The Hop  Danny & the Juniors 1957

 Bah-bah-bah-bah, bah-bah-bah-bah

 Bah-bah-bah-bah. bah-bah-bah-bah, at the hop!


 Well, you can rock it you can roll it


 Do the stomp and you can stroll it at the hop


 When the record starts spinnin'


 You chalypso when you chicken at the hop


 Do the dance sensation that is sweepin' the nation at the hop


 Ah, let's go to the hop


 Let's go to the hop, [oh baby]

 Let's go to the hop, [oh baby]

 Let's go to the hop

 Come on, let's go to the hop



 Well, you can swing it you can groove it


 You can really start to move it at the hop


 Where the jockey is the smoothest


 And the music is the coolest at the hop


 All the cats and chicks can get their kicks at the hop


 Let's go!


 Let's go to the hop

 Let's go to the hop, [oh baby]

 Let's go to the hop, [oh baby]

 Let's go to the hop

 Come on, let's go to the hop

 Let's go!



 Well, you can rock it you can roll it

 Do the stomp and you can stroll it at the hop

 When the record starts spinnin'

 You chalypso when you chicken at the hop

 Do the dance sensation that is sweepin' the nation at the hop


 You can swing it you can groove it

 You can really start to move it at the hop

 Where the jockey is the smoothest

 And the music is the coolest at the hop.

 All the cats and chicks can get their kicks at the hop.

 Let's go!

  Let's go to the hop

 Let's go to the hop, [oh baby]

 Let's go to the hop, [oh baby]

 Let's go to the hop

 Come on, let's go to the hop

 Bah-bah-bah-bah, bah-bah-bah-bah

 Bah-bah-bah-bah. bah-bah-bah-bah, at the hop!


chalypso: 西インド諸島トリニダード島で発達した黒人の歌・踊り。ストーリー性のある歌詞を即興で作る。第二次大戦後、米国に持ち込まれて大流行し、二拍子のリズムをもさすようになった。

chicken: 1950年代に米国で始まったR&Bの人気の踊り。ダンサーは鶏の様に両腕をバタつかせて足を後ろに蹴る。この踊りは左右への体の動きが特徴的で、主にツイストをしている間の気分転換として使われた。 [Wikipediaより]

他に stomp(足を踏み鳴らす) 、stroll(ぶらぶら歩く)もダンス用語