
 Joy to the World   Three Dog Night  1970


 Jeremiah was a bullfrog


 Was a good friend of mine


 I never understood a single word he said


 But I helped him a-drink his wine


 And he always had some mighty fine wine




 Joy to the world


 All the boys and girls now


 Joy to the fishes in the deep blue sea


 Joy to you and me



 If I were the king of the world


 Tell you what I'd do


 I'd throw away the cars and the bars and the war


 Make sweet love to you


 Sing it now...


 Joy to the world


 All the boys and girls


 Joy to the fishes in the deep blue sea


 Joy to you and me



 You know I love the ladies


 Love to have my fun


 I'm a high life flyer and a rainbow rider


 A straight shootin' son-of-a-gun


 I said a straight shootin' son-of-a-gun


 Joy to the world

 All the boys and girls

 Joy to the fishes in the deep blue sea

 Joy to you and me


a straight shootin' son-of-a-gun(son of a bitch‘嫌な野郎’の婉曲語)

 =a straight shooter : a thoroughly upright straightforward person



Jeremiah was a bullfrog・・・の出だしの歌詞は作者のHoyt Axtonによると、急場凌ぎの思い付きで、後で書き直すつもりだったが、そのままになってしまったとか。Jeremiahは特定人物ではないとのこと。

 バンド名Thee Dog Nightは、彼らが聞いたオーストラリア・アボリジニーの用語から取った。彼らは昔、寒い夜は暖を取るため犬と一緒に寝ることがあり、翌朝、"Man, it was a three dog night last night." 「君、昨夜は犬が3匹欲しかったな。」とか言っていた。[Songfacts.comより]