(さくら)」 cherry blossoms 2005年 歌:コブクロ   

作詞(さくし)作曲(さっきょく) 小渕(おぶち)健太郎(けんたろう) /() 黒田(くろだ)俊介(しゅんすけ)



Let’s give a name to a nameless flower

only one name in the world
(さむ)さに ()ちひしがれないように    

so it won’t be beaten by the cold of winter
かの(こえ)で また()()がれるように   

so it can rise up again to the call of someone

A lump of life sleeping in the soil

pushes open the asphalt
うたびに、いつも()えない(とき)(さび)しさ ()けあう二人(ふたり)

and every time we meet, we two share the loneliness we felt when we cannot meet 

just like the sun and the moon.

The flowers which bear no fruits and the flowers which falls as a bud :
あなたと(だれ)かのこれからを (はる)(かぜ)()びて()てる          

they’re watching the hereafter of you and someoneswaying in the spring wind

(はな)びら  ()るたびに   

Every time the cherry blossoms fall
かぬ(おも)いが  また(ひと)つ  (なみだ)笑顔(えがお)()されてく

another unrequited love is erased by tears and smiles
そして  また大人(おとな)になった  

and I grew up a little more

A sadness of just chasing (love?),

a strong and pure sadness

is the ever unchanging
くさないで、(きみ)(なか)()Love ((さくら))

love(cherry blossoms) blooming in you.  Please don’t lose it.

(なか)()かけた(きみ)(さび)しげに  (ひと)ごみに(まぎ)れてた 

I happened to see you in a street. You mingled sadly with the crowd

May that brilliance deep in your eyes in those days
(はや)さに  (よご)されてしまわぬように  

not be defiled by the speed of time.


Don’t talk anything.


 You can’t put it in words

The tears I shed became rains

and heal the wounds of my heart


We all have, on the shore in our heart, 

a flower that we don’t want to give away

It is not a stout flower

but a single flower which sways fleetingly.
びらの(かず)(おな)じだけ  ()きていく(つよ)さを(かん)じる

I feel its strength to live as many days as the number of its petals

though beaten by the wind of a raging storm,
やまない(あめ)は  ()いはずと((しん)じて)   

believing there should be no rain that doesn’t cease.


Every time the cherry blossoms fall
かぬ(おも)いが  また(ひと)つ   (なみだ)笑顔(えがお)()されてく

another unrequited love is erased by tears and smiles
そして  また大人(おとな)になった  

and I grew up a little more


A sadness of just chasing, 

a strong and pure sadness

is the ever unchanging

(きみ)(なか)()く 、ぼくなか Love

love(cherry blossoms) blooming in you and me too.


Let’s give a name to a nameless flower

only one name in the world

so it won’t be beaten by the cold of winter

 so it can rise up again to the call of someone