バッハの旋律(せんりつ)(よる)()いたせいです。』 2011

It’s because I listened to Bach’s melody at night.

(うた):サカナクション 作詞(さくし)作曲(さっきょく)山口(やまぐち)一郎(いちろう)


I feel this way because I listened to Bach’s melody at night.

(つき)(なれ)(ぼく)がなぜ (つき)()とれたのはなぜ   

Why did I look in admiration at the moon when I was so used to seeing it?
としてたのに ()ってくれって (ふく)(つか)まれたようだ  

I felt like someone told me to wait and grab my sleeve when I was just walking out.


I feel this way because I listened to Bach’s melody at night.

(なれ)れた(きみ)がなぜ (つき)( )ていたのはなぜ  

Why were you looking at the moon which you were so used to seeing?
左手(ひだりて)()ち (だま)ってる(きみ)(かお)(おも)いだしたよ  

I remembered your face when you stood silently on my left hand side.

()まぐれな(きみ)(いろ)部屋(へや)( )く ぬるい その(いろ)   

Your capricious color.  That tepid color blowing in the room.
() (しび)れるチェロ すぐに(わす)れてしまうだろう

The cello ringing the wall and numbing us.  We’ll soon forget them all.
()まぐれな(きみ)(いろ)部屋(へや)( )く ぬるい その(いろ)   

Your capricious color.  That tepid color blowing in the room.
() (しび)れるチェロ すぐに(わす)れてしまうだろう

The cello ringing the wall and numbing us.  We’ll soon forget them all.

バッハの旋律(せんりつ)一人(ひとり)()いたせいです こんな(こころ)

I feel this way because I listened to Bach’s melody alone.
バッハの旋律(せんりつ)一人(ひとり)()いたせいです こんな(こころ)

れかけたのになぜ (わす)れられないのはなぜ  

I was beginning to forget, but why can’t I forget?
(はじ)めた二人(ふたり) (わら)ってる(きみ)(かお)(おも)()したよ  

We two began walking.  I remembered your smiling face.

まぐれな(きみ)(いろ) 部屋(へや)( )く ぬるい その(いろ)   

Your capricious color.  That tepid color blowing in the room.
() (しび)れるチェロ すぐに(わす)れてしまうだろう

The cello ringing the wall and numbing us.  We’ll soon forget them all.

()まぐれな(きみ)(いろ) 部屋(へや)( )く ぬるいその(いろ)   

Your capricious color.  That tepid color blowing in the room.
() (しび)れるチェロ すぐに(わす)れてしまうだろう

The cello ringing the wall and numbing us. We’ll soon forget them all.