「ルビーの指環(ゆびわ)1981年 (うた)作曲(さっきょく)寺尾(てらお)(そう) 作詞(さくし)松本(まつもと)(たかし)


くもりガラスの()こうは (かぜ)(まち) 

Outside the frosted glass is a windy town

()わず 語り(かたり)(こころ)が (せつ)ないね  

Sadly, my heart wants to talk without being asked to.


My life hasn’t had the weight of a single dead leaf


since I lost you.



Hunching your back,

(ゆび)のリング ()()ったね  

you pulled out the ring from your finger


If you mean to return it, just throw it away,”I said.


そうね、誕生(たんじょう)(せき)なら ルビーなの

“Yes, my birthstone is a ruby.”

そんな言葉(ことば)が (あたま)にうずまくよ

Such words still roll in my head.

あれは 八月(はちがつ)まばゆい()(なか)(ちか)った(あい)(まぼろし)

That was an illusion of love sworn

in a dazzling sunshine of August.



I love solitude.   

()にしないで ()っていいよ  

So, never mind. You can go.

()()わらぬうちに (はや)く ()えてくれ

Please disappear quickly before I change my mind.


くもりガラスの()こうは (かぜ)(まち)

Outside the frosted glass is a windy town


At a table with a cool tea cup left on it,

(えり)()わせて 日暮れ(ひぐれ)人波(ひとなみ)(まぎ)れるあなたを()てた

I watched you putting your collars together

and mingling with the crowd at sunset


そして 二年(にねん)月日(つきひ)が (なが)()り  

And two years' time has passed.

(まち)で ベージュのコートを()かけると  

When I see a beige coat in the street,

(ゆび)に ルビーのリングを(さが)すのさ   

I look for a ruby ring on her finger,

あなたを (うしな)ってから           

since I lost you.


そして 二年(にねん)月日(つきひ)が (なが)()り  

And two years' time has passed.

(まち)で ベージュのコートを()かけると  

When I see a beige coat in the street,

(ゆび)に ルビーのリングを(さが)すのさ   

I look for a ruby ring on her finger,

あなたを (うしな)ってから           

 since I lost you.