Another singer's version

世界(せかい)(ひと)つだけの(はな)」the only one flower in the world                2003(ねん) (うた)SMAP 作詞(さくし)作曲(さっきょく)(まき)原敬之(はらのりゆき)


 Noナンバー.1ワン にならなくてもいい    

We don’t have to be number one.
もともと特別(とくべつ)な Only one  

Originally we are the special only one.

店先(みせさき)(なら)んだ いろんな(はな)()ていた 
I was watching a variety of flowers placed before a flower shop.
ひと それぞれ  (この)みはあるけど

Each of us has his or her own liking
どれも みんな きれいだね   

but every flower is beautiful.
この(なか)で (だれ)一番(いちばん)だなんて (あらそ)うこともしないで

Without competing saying,“who is the numberamong us?”
バケツの中 (なか)(ほこ)らしげに しゃんと(むね)()っている   

They proudly hold up their heads high in the bucket.

それなのに  (ぼく)人間(にんげん)は どうしてこうも(くら)べたがる?    

And yet why do we human beings want to compare so much,
うのに その(なか)一番(いちばん)になりたがる?

and want to be number 1 when every one of us is different from another?

そうさ (ぼく)らは 世界(せかい)(ひと)つだけの(はな)         

Yes, we are each the only one flower in the world

Each of us has a different seed.
その(はな)()かせることだけに 一生懸命(いっしょうけんめい)になればいい

We should do our best only to make its flowers bloom.

ったように(わら)いながら ずっと(まよ)ってる(ひと)がいる 

There is a man hesitating for a long time with an embarrassed smile
って()いた(はな)はどれも きれいだから仕方(しかた)ないね

He may well hesitate because every flower is pretty blooming with all its might
やっと (みせ)から()てきた    

At last he came out of the shop 
その(ひと)(かか)えていた (いろ)とりどりの花束(はなたば)     

with a colorful bouquet held in his arms.
He looked very happy.


Though I didn’t know their names

they made me smile that day.

Like those flowers blooming in a place nobody would notice,
そうさ (ぼく)らは世界(せかい)(ひと)つだけの(はな)         

yes, we are the only one flower in the world

Each of us has a different seed.
その(はな)()かせることだけに 一生懸命(いっしょうけんめい)になればいい

We should do our best only to make its flowers bloom.

さい(はな)や (おお)きな(はな)         

Small flowers and large flowers
つとして (おな)じものはないから  

There isn’t a single same flower

So we don’t have to be number one.
もともと特別(とくべつ)Only one  

 Originally we are the special only one.