乾杯(かんぱい)1980 長渕(ながぶち)(つよし)

 かたい(きずな)に  (おも)いをよせて 

I recall, with nostalgia, our strong bond of friendship

(かた)()くせぬ  青春(せいしゅん)日々(ひび)

We could never talk about all of our young days.

(とき)には (きず)つき、(とき)には (よろこ)

Sometimes we got hurt, sometimes we rejoiced.

(かた)を たたきあった あの()

We patted each other’s shoulder that day.


あれから どれくらい たったのだろう 

  How long has it been since?

(しず)夕日(ゆうひ)を  いくつ (かぞ)えたろう

How many sunsets have we counted?

故郷(ふるさと)(とも)は (いま)でも (きみ)(こころ)(なか)に いますか

Are your hometown friends still in your mind?


乾杯(かんぱい)(いま)  (きみ)人生(じんせい)(おお)きな (おお)きな舞台(ぶたい)()

Toast!  Now you are on a great stage in your life

(はる)か (なが)(みち)のりを (ある)(はじ)めた、 

beginning to walk a very long distance

 (きみ)に (しあわ)せあれ!

May you always be happy!



(いま) こうして ()(ほそ)めてる 

I’m now squinting my eyes like this

to see you two in the candle light.

(おお)きな (よろこ)びと (すこ)しの さみしさを 

(なみだ)言葉(ことば)で (うた)いたい

I want to sing with tearful words

  our big joy and a little loneliness


明日(あす)(ひかり)を 身体(からだ)にあびて  

Bathing yourself in the sunshine of tomorrow,

()(かえ)らずに そのまま()けがよい

without looking back, you can go on as you are

(かぜ)()かれても (あめ)()たれても

Though blown by the wind or beaten by the rain,

(しん)じた(あい)に ()()けるな

don’t turn your back on the love you believed in.  


乾杯(かんぱい)(いま) (きみ)は 人生(じんせい)(おお)きな (おお)きな舞台(ぶたい)()

Toast!  Now you are on a great stage in your life

(はる)(なが)(みち)のりを (ある)(はじ)めた、 

beginning to walk a very long distance

 (きみ)に (しあわ)せあれ!

May you always be happy!
