はるよ、い Spring, come!1994ねん うた作詞さくし作曲さっきょく松任谷まつとうや




A sudden rain emitting a pale light


Daphne flowers showing me an image of my beloved one


From the buds of overflowing tears,

ひとつ ひとつ(かお)(はじ)める  

one by one, it(your image?) begins to give off scent 

それは それは (そら)()えて  

It goes across the sky

やがて やがて (むかえ)えに()る  

and in time comes to meet me



Spring, oh, far-off spring, when I close my eyelids,    

(あい)をくれし(きみ)の なつかしき(こえ)がする  

there I hear your familiar voice, you who gave me love.


(きみ)(あず)けし ()(こころ)は   

My heart that I entrusted you


is still waiting for an answer


No matter how may years have passed,

ずっと ずっと()っています

 it will be waiting all the time.


それは それは 明日(あす)()えて

It will go beyond tomorrow

いつか いつか きっと(とど) 

 and someday surely reach you.  



Spring, oh, spring that I haven’t seen yet,


when I get lost and stop,                          


your look embraces my shoulders, you who gave me a dream


Dreams, oh shallow dreams, I am here.

(きみ)(おも)いながら ひとり(ある)いています  

Thinking of you, I’m walking alone,

(なが)るる(あめ)のごとく (なが)るる(はな)のごとく  

like a flowing rain, like a flowing flower.



Spring, oh, far-off spring, when I close my eyelids,    

(あい)をくれし(きみ)の なつかしき(こえ)がする  

there I hear your familiar voice, you who gave me love.



Spring, oh, spring that I haven’t seen yet,


when I get lost and stop,                          


your look embraces my shoulders, you who gave me a dream 


はるよ とおはるよ まぶたじればそこに  

Spring, oh, far-off spring, when I close my eyelids,    

あいをくれしきみの なつかしきこえがする  

 there I hear your familiar voice, you who gave me love.