木綿(もめん)のハンカチ」 1975 (うた)太田(おおた)裕美(ひろみ)  

作詞(さくし)松本(まつもと)(たかし) 作曲(さっきょく)(つつ)()(きょう)(へい)



My love, I’ll go on a trip

(ひがし)へと (むか)列車(れっしゃ)で 

in an east-bound train.


In a cheerful city,

(きみ)への(おく)りもの (さが)(さが)すつもりだ    
I’ll look for a present for you

いいえ あなた (わたし)()しいものはないのよ

No, my dear, I don’t want anything.
ただ、都会(とかい)()()()まらないで (かえ)って
まらないで (かえ)って

Just come back, without being tainted with the colors of the city

よ、 半年(はんとし)()

My love, half a year has passed

()えないが、 ()かないでくれ

I can’t see you, but don’t cry


I’ll send you a ring now in fashion in the city


It should suit you well.


No, diamond stars


or pearls sleeping in the sea

きっと、あなたのキスほど  きらめくはずないもの
surely cannot be so brilliant as your kisses
They cannot be.


My love, are you still without any makeup

口紅(くちべに)も つけないままか

or without any lipstick?

()間違(まちが)ような スーツ()たぼくの


Just look at me in the photo dressed in such a stunning suit.    

 (that you'll mistake me for someone else.)

いいえ (くさ)にねころぶ あなたが()きだったの

No, I just loved you lying on the grass

でも 木枯(こがら)のビル(がい)    

But winter winds are blowing through the city buildings
からだに ()をつけてね

Please take care of yourself.
からだに 気をつけてね  

Take care.


My love, I’m forgetting you

()ってく ぼくを(ゆる)して

and changing myself. Please forgive me.

毎日(まいにち)  愉快(ゆかい)に (すご)街角(まちかど)  

I spend every day merrily in the city  

 ぼくは ぼくは (かえ)れない

 I just can’t come home.

あなた 最後(さいご)のわがまま  

My dear, let me have my own way for the last time.

(おく)りものを ねだるわ

I beg you for a present

ねえ、(なみだ)()木綿(もめん)の ハンカチーフ(くだ)さい  

 Say, give me a cotton handkerchief to wipe up my tears with.
Give me a handkerchief.