栄光(えいこう)架橋(かけはし)The bridge of glory 2004(ねん) (うた):ゆず 




There were tears shown to nobody

(ひと)()れず (なが)した泪(なみだ)があった   

There were tears shed in secret

(けっ)して (たい)らな(みち)ではなかった  

It was never an even road

けれど (たし)かに (あゆ)んで()(みち)  

but you have surely walked along this road


you’re still on the way to a dream you dreamt at that time,

何度(なんど)何度(なんど)も あきらめかけた(ゆめ)途中(とちゅう)  

on the way to the dream you nearly gave up again and again



You’ve gone through many days.


and reached where you are now

だから もう(まよ)わずに(すす)めばいい  

So, without hesitation, you can go on 


to the bridge of glory


(くや)しくて (ねむ)れなかった(よる)があった  

There were nights when you were too vexed to sleep.

(こわ)くて (ふる)えていた(よる)があった  

There were nights when you were shivering with fear


Thinking it was all over, tired with everything,


you almost began to run away, when,


you remember, many people supported you and in this way you have walked so far.



Beyond sorrows and pains,


there is a light for each of them

だから、さあ、 ()こう、()(かえ)らずに(はし)()せばいい

So, let’s go. Just start running without looking back,


to the sky full of hopes



There were tears shown to nobody


There were tears shed in secret



You’ve gone through many days.


and reached where you are now

だから もう(まよ)わずに(すす)めばいい  

So ,without any more hesitation, you can just go on


to the bridge of glory,

()わらない その(たび)へと

on a never-ending journey,


to the bridge leading to your heart