(あつ)(こころ)に To my ardent heart」 1985 小林(こばやし)(あきら)   


Traveling in a northern country, I looked at the sky

(なが)れる(くも) はるか

and the clouds flowing far away


At times I miss someone so much.


くちびるに ()れもせず(=しないで)  

Without even touching her lips

(わか)れた(ひと) いずこ(=どこ?)  

I parted from her. Where is she now?

(むね)()がれるまま (=こいしくおも)

My heart still longs for her.

(あつ)(こころ)に (とき)よ もどれ  

Time, come back to this ardent heart of mine.

なつかしい(おも)い つれてもどれよ  

Bring back good old memories to me

ああ (はる)には (はな)()()が  

Oh, in spring, flowery days

ああ (なつ)には (ほし)()()が  

Oh, in summer, star-filled nights

(ゆめ)(さそ)う (あい)(かた)る   

lead me into a dream and talk about love


(あつ)(こころ)に きみを(かさ)ね 

I put you in my ardent heart


and as the night goes on


I make my love for you grow

ああ (あき)には (いろ)づく()が  

Ah, in autumn, days of coloring leaves

ああ (ふゆ)には 真白(まっしろ)()が  

Ah, in winter, snow-white days

(むね)(たた)く (うた)(うた)う (うた)を  

touch my heart and sing songs, songs for me.



Under the sky lit by auroras

(ゆめ)()(ひと) ひとり   

there is a dream seeker


who looks like a wind shape

(あつ)(こころ) きみに   

and has a passionate longing for you.