子供たちが 空に向かい 両手をひろげ
The children spread their arms toward the sky
鳥や雲や夢までも つかもうとしている
and try to catch birds, clouds, and even dreams
その姿は きのうまでの 何も知らない私
Their image is what I was till yesterday.
I was so ignorant.
あなたに この指が 届くと信じていた
I believed this finger could reach you
空と大地が ふれあう彼方
Far away where the sky and the land
touch each other,
a road is calling for a traveler from the past.
あなたにとって 私 ただの通りすがり
I’m just a passer-by for you,
a stranger who just turned around
市場へ行く 人の波に 身体を預け
Leaving myself to the flow of the people
going to the market
石だたみの街角を ゆらゆらと さまよう
I wander tottering through stone-paved streets
祈りの声 ひづめの音 歌うようなざわめき
Prayers, sounds of hoofs, buzzes like songs
私を置き去りに 過ぎてゆく 白い朝
A white morning passes by leaving me behind
時間旅行が 心の傷を なぜかしら 埋めてゆく 不思議な道 A time travel somehow is healing the hurts of my heart along a mysterious road.
サヨナラだけの手紙 迷い続けて 書き
I hesitatingly wrote a letter saying just goodbye
あとは 哀しみを 持て余す 異邦人
And here am I, a stranger who doesn’t know
what to do with the