「瞳をとじて」with my eyes closed 2004 平井堅
朝 目覚める度に
Every time I wake up in the morning
君の抜け殻が 横にいる
I saw beside me an afterimage of you
ぬくもりを感じた いつもの背中が冷たい
My back which always felt warmth now remains cold
苦笑いを やめて
I’ll stop my wry smile
and open a heavy curtain
The morning sun is too bright
I’m playing tag with every day
あの日 見せた泣き顔
Your tearful face you showed me that day
The setting sun lighting up your tears
The warmth on my shoulders
Every time I want to erase them,
my mind and my body remember you.
Your love forever
瞳を閉じて 君を描くよ
I close my eyes and picture you
それだけで いい
That is enough,
たとえ 季節が 僕の心を 置き去りにしても
even if the season leaves my heart behind
いつかは 君のこと なにも 感じなくなるのかな
Some day will I feel nothing about you?
今の痛み抱いて 眠る方が まだいいかな
Is it still better to sleep holding the present pain?
あの日 見てた星空
The starry sky we were looking at that day
願いかけて 二人 探した光は
The light we two looked for, making a wish.
瞬く間に 消えていくのに
They are vanishing in an instant,
心は 体は 君で輝いている
but my heart and body are shining with you
I wish forever
瞳をとじて 君を描くよ
I close my eyes and picture you.
それしか 出来ない
That’s all I can do,
たとえ 世界が僕を残して 過ぎ去ろうとしても
even if the world, leaving me behind, would pass away
Your love forever
瞳をとじて 君を描くよ
I close my eyes and picture you.
それだけで いい
That’s enough,
たとえ 季節が 僕を残して
even if the season, leaving me behind,
would change its color.
記憶の中に 君を探すよ
I’ll look for you in my memory
それだけで いい
That’s enough
なくしたものを 越える強さを 君がくれたから
‘cause you gave me the strength to overcome what I’ve lost.
You gave it to me.