故郷(ふるさと) 1914

 歌詞(か し)(ふる)()言葉(ことば)です  

The lyrics are in an old written style.


1.  (うさぎ)( )いし(()った)  かの(あの)(やま)

I ran after rabbits in that mountain.

 小鮒(こぶな) ()りし(()った)  かの(あの)(かわ)      

I fished little carps in that river.           
(ゆめ)(いま)も  めぐりて((めぐ)って)   

My dream still wanders around there,                      


my unforgettable(difficult to forget) country home.                 


. 如何(いか)()ます(どうしていますか?) 父母(ちちはは)    

How are you(living),father and mother?         
  (つつが)なしや (病気(びょうき)じゃないですか?) (とも)がき(ともだちよ)

 Are you in good health, my old friends?                    

 When it rains or when it blows,                     


I always think of my hometown.              



I will attain my goal                               
いつの()にか (かえ)らん((かえ)ろう)

 and return home someday                               

to that country home where mountains are green,           

to my country home where water is clear.