(あか)とんぼ」 1927三木(みき)露風(ろふう) 作詞(さくし)山田耕筰(やまだこうさく) 作曲(さっきょく)



Red dragonflies in an evening grow


When was it that I saw them on her back?


Mulberries in a patch on the hill.


Was it an illusion that I picked them in a small basket?

()われて (())()う=背中(せなか)() put O on one’s back


十五じゅうごねえやはよめき  よめ: a bride/ a wife

My nursemaid left me to get married at the age of 15    


I could hear no more news of my home.  


 Red dragonflies in an evening grow       


There’s one perching on the tip of a pole.

(ねえ)(ねえ)さん (わか女性じょせい a young girl自分じぶんあねone’s own elder sister) 


This letter is used for a female employee in a inn or a restaurant.

(さと)(home town)露風(ろふう)5(さい)(とき)両親(りょうしん)離婚(りこん)し、

祖父(そふ)(いえ)で、子守り(こ も)世話(せわ)されていた。 

When Rofuu was 5 years old, his parents divorced, and

he was taken care of by a nursemaid in his grandfather’s house.

()える+はてる :完全(かんぜん)なくなる  disappear completely   

cf. (つか)はてるすっかり(つか)れる get tired out


小焼(a little grow) 語調を整えるため for arranging the intonation